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Even the best job in the world has its drawbacks

by Dr Marianne Trent, Good Thinking Psychological Services

I honestly believe that I have the best job in the world. I genuinely love what I do and it is such a privilege to sit with clients when they have some of the worst times of their lives, reliving some of their difficulties, and being so caught up in the pain of what they have been through. And it is the most massive privilege when I am able to help them to work through these difficulties and to have that time where they are processing and having processed their trauma, and are able to really connect to that visceral, felt sense of a really challenging traumatic incident or time period in their life being over, being done.

And you literally will spot, and they will tell you,

"I feel like I've just put down some really heavy bags that I've been carrying for years. I feel like it's done," and they almost have a disbelief. They can have like, "I can't even begin to get the words."

And it's such an incredible feeling as a clinician because you get to observe these changes with your clients. And one-to-one work is really, really powerful. But in order to do our best with people, we don't want to feel like it's not feeling authentic. So, that kind of work, that kind of powerful intervention is always best done, one-to-one, when you've got a trusting relationship between you and the client.

But in order to do this work effectively, we want to make sure that we are not burned out, that we aren't feeling like we are spent, like we don't want to see another client. And in order to do that, it can be really useful to create other ways for helping you earn money, so not just doing one-to-one work. It might be that you are doing one-to-one personal training. It might be that you're doing one-to-one mental health work. It might be that you're doing one-to-one coaching or any kind of 1:1 business really. But there are other ways to make money that still allow you to do things that you really, really enjoy.

I also really enjoy the more passive and semi-passive streams of my business, but still also get such great joy and privilege from doing the one-to-one aspect of my trauma work, as a clinical psychologist. So moving towards more passive and semi-passive, smarter ways of working, not just working harder, doesn't always need to look like stepping away from the profession that you love. Sometimes we can wonder, well, who am I if I'm not my profession? Working smarter not harder gives you a chance to explore that. Gives you more flexibility to do other things you enjoy and to be you more often not just your work hat. You can even do nothing in your time off if that floats your boat!

If you would be interested in learning more about ways you can do this, then please come along to my upcoming Masterclass, which is happening on the 31st of January at 10:30 AM. Don't worry if you can't make it live because you can always catch up on replay. I want you to feel really energised and really excited about the work that you do, so that you can do it all to the best and the most optimal of your ability. Let me show you how I do it and get you enthused about doing the same too!

To grab your place on the masterclass for just £45 which includes a replay option for all delegates click here.


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